Digital Marketing for Dental Clinics | PPC Digital Marketer

The Role of Accurate Operating Hours in Google Business Profile: A Study of 212 Dental Practices

A woman holding up a sign saying the companies "operating hours."

The Role of Accurate Operating Hours in Your Google Business Profile

Every detail counts in your Google Business Profile.

Among the various elements that shape your online presence, the accuracy of your operating hours stands out as a pivotal factor.

In the realm of dental offices, where appointments are often booked in advance, the significance of these hours takes on new dimensions.

The Shift in Patient Behaviour

Gone are the days when dental appointments were solely made through phone calls or in-person visits.

With the rise of walk-in clinics, the importance of accurate operating hours has become increasingly apparent. Patients, often in need of immediate attention, rely on the precision of these hours to plan their visits effectively.

The result? An experience that’s seamless, convenient, and satisfying.

The Power of Operating Hours Updates

A survey conducted among 212 businesses shed light on the practices of dental offices.

Astonishingly, more than half of them revealed that the only update they consistently make to their Google Business Profile is adjusting their operating hours. 

This underscores the critical role these hours play in shaping customer interactions and expectations.

The Ripple Effect of Inaccurate Operating Hours

Imagine planning a visit to a bank that, according to its Google profile, operates until 7 pm on Fridays.

Arriving there, you discover it closed at 5 pm due to ongoing construction, a fact unmentioned online.

Beyond the inconvenience, such discrepancies erode trust in the information provided by businesses. Precious time and trust are lost, leaving patrons disheartened and in case of an emergency service like a Dental Office, the business may lose the patient for good.

Board saying that the store is closed due to construction

Holiday Hustle and Operating Hours

As the holiday season approaches, the importance of accurate operating hours becomes even more pronounced.

Special hours of operation are the norm during festivities, and customers rely heavily on these details to make their plans.

A misstep here can lead to frustration and deter potential visitors from choosing your dental practice.

Decoding Accuracy: How to Verify Operating Hours

A screenshot of operating hours of a Dental Clinic as found in their Google Business Profile
Mismatch of data between the Google Business Profile and the website will deplete trust.
Screenshot of operating hours of the same clinic as found in their website
Only exception is for special hours during the holiday season

Ensuring operating hours accuracy necessitates a cross-check with the official website of your dental practice. This approach ensures consistency between the information presented on your Google Business Profile and the details on your website. 

Our study of 212 Dental Practices followed this method, and the results were revealing.

Data Comparison: a STUDY

Among the 212 practices examined, 11 lacked an official website.

Out of the remaining 201, only 60.1% of business listings maintained identical operating hours between their Google Business Profiles and official websites.

It is worth noting that 53 dental practices showcased disparities in their operating hours between the two platforms.

For more details about the results on the accuracy of operating hours obtained from the Study of 212 Dental Practices, click here.

The Consequences of Inaccurate Operating Hours

Google itself considers operating hours accuracy a crucial factor in local ranking. Inaccuracies not only hamper your visibility but also chip away at the trust your customers have in your dental practice.

Consider the ripple effect – a patient arriving to find your clinic closed may vent their frustration through a negative review and even share an image as evidence.

The Bottom Line: Accuracy is Key

In a world where digital footprints can make or break businesses, accuracy emerges as a beacon of reliability. 

Whether it’s a regular weekday or a holiday, your patients expect precision in your operating hours. Maintaining consistency between your Google Business Profile and official website is a testament to your commitment to customer satisfaction.


It’s not just about numbers on a screen; it’s about trust and reliability. Accurate operating hours are more than a mere detail; they are a promise to your patients – a promise that their time will be respected, and their needs will be met.

Picture of Prem Kailash

Prem Kailash

Dentist-turned-Digital Marketer. You can reach out to him at

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