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Infamous errors in Digital Marketing committed by big brands – Part 3 

Dove racist ad. An ad showing a black young girl removing her t-shirt and in the process converting to a white young girl.

Infamous Errors in Digital Marketing by Big Brands – Part 3

Dove’s Racist Ad Backlash: A Lesson in Digital Marketing

Welcome to the final instalment of our 3-part series highlighting infamous blunders in the realm of digital marketing.

In this concluding piece, we delve into the unfortunate case of Dove’s controversial ad campaign that sent shockwaves through the online world and more importantly what we can learn from it.

A woman dressed in white sitting in front of a window

The Unveiling of the Ad

In 2017, Dove, a well-known personal care brand, unveiled an advertisement on its Facebook platform as part of a promotional campaign for its body wash.

The ad, presented in a four-panel format, seemed innocuous at first glance.

The sequence depicted a young African American woman progressively removing her T-shirt across three panels, a common trope in bath and body product promotions.

A Troubling Twist

However, the fourth and final panel of the ad revealed an unexpected twist that set off a firestorm of criticism.

Underneath the lifted T-shirt stood a smiling young white woman. The apparent suggestion was that the use of Dove’s product would transform a person of colour into someone white.

The ad’s implications were clear, invoking a centuries-old stereotype that equated whiteness with purity.

The Backlash and Aftermath

As soon as the ad surfaced, public outrage erupted. Unilever, Dove’s parent company, swiftly issued an apology, acknowledging their failure in thoughtfully representing women of colour.

Despite the apology, the damage had been done. The ad continued to resurface in search engine results when queried with terms like “Dove racist ad,” prolonging the brand’s association with insensitivity.

Free consultation ad for Google Business Profile review

Lessons for Marketers

This incident underscores a crucial lesson for marketers and brands alike: the importance of meticulous messaging analysis. 

The aftermath of Dove’s ad disaster prompts reflection on the potential consequences of seemingly harmless campaigns. 

The crucial question emerged: Did Dove genuinely believe that this ad would endear more individuals of colour to their products?

Implications and Considerations

The Washington Post posed a question that lingered in the minds of many: Could this ad genuinely attract a diverse consumer base?

The underlying implication was that the ad perpetuated harmful stereotypes and was far from appealing to its intended audience. The damage to Dove’s reputation was evident as the hashtag #BoycottDove quickly trended on Twitter.

Safeguarding Brand Reputation

Marketers must internalize the lesson offered by Dove’s misstep.

Crafting tasteless or insensitive content, even unintentionally, can have severe repercussions for a brand’s reputation.

The fallout from such blunders might extend beyond immediate damage control, potentially becoming irreparable.

Remember. Information travels at the speed of light

The Dove ad controversy serves as a poignant reminder that every piece of content a brand produces carries significant weight. In the digital age, where information travels at the speed of light, a momentary lapse in judgment can lead to lasting damage.

As we bid farewell to this series on notable digital marketing mistakes, let Dove’s misstep be a guiding light for brands, urging them to navigate the digital landscape with sensitivity, insight, and foresight.

At PPC Digital Marketer, we primarily focus on PPC Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Management and WordPress Website Designing exclusively for the Dentists.

Picture of Prem Kailash

Prem Kailash

Dentist-turned-Digital Marketer. You can reach out to him at

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